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LREA Appointed to Represent 2 More Properties in Missouri & Kansas

July 31, 2013 2:22 pm

Country Inn - Nevada Missouri

Leisure Real Estate Advisors, LLC, is pleased to announce its appointment as exclusive marketing agent for two central US hotels, one in Kansas and the other in southwest Missouri, both under different ownerships. The 68 unit Country Inn & Suites is located in Nevada, MO and the other hotel is a Kansas Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites.

“We are very pleased to have received both of these assignments”, says Brent A. Jaynes, co-founder of Leisure Real Estate Advisors. “The Country Inn & Suites represents one of the best cash flow, return on investment deals that we have in our listing portfolio.” The property is located on Interstate 49 between Kansas City and Joplin, MO (I-44), within a very active business town. Nevada is only about an hour and a half drive from the southern KC suburbs. It features a number of national companies, including 3M Corporation and American Standard and a 4 year private college, Coffey College.


The second hotel is Holiday Inn Express located in Kansas. “It is a confidential listing so I can’t go into detail. However, it is suffice to say that it the newer Express prototype and is a high revenue producer. It is also a ‘hotel & suites’ and features a number of attractive room types, says Jaynes. As folks in the hotel business know, the Express brand is highly sought after and has significant appeal to the investment community.”

Holiday Inn Express – View Full Executive Summary

Leisure Real Estate Advisors, LLC is based in metro Kansas City and has a specialty concentration in the marketing and sale of hotels. Over its 15 year existence, the company has become one of the premier hotel brokerage firms in the country.

For more information on this investment opportunity or to discuss the investment market in general, please direct your questions to:

Brent A. Jaynes
Managing Partner
Leisure Real Estate Advisors


Jason Dent
Investment Advisor
Leisure Real Estate Advisors
